Main headlines from this issue

India: “DPP 2008 has been misread” – New light thrown on interpretations

The offset credit banking provisions sanctioned under India's Defence Procurement Procedure 2008 (DPP 2008) have not been well received and are seen as too restrictive, admitted Maj. Gen. Mrinal Suman during an address to a Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) seminar in London. Many vendors have misread them, he claimed...

Arguments over basic requirements of India’s civil offset policy to be resolved

Inter-ministerial consultations over the terms of India’s future national policy on civil offset have stalled over differences of opinion on at least three crucial features. The policy is intended to cover the entire commercial sector...

British offset and industrial participation associations to merge under joint patronage of DMA and SBAC

The British Industry Offset Group (BIOG) and the Industrial Participation Forum (IP Forum) are planning to merge into a single new industry body that would address all offset and industrial participation matters under the joint management of the Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) and the Society of British Aerospace Companies (SBAC)...

Brazil: Three remaining contenders for fighters are down to the wire with offsets

Three of the six bidders for Brazil’s F-X2 fighter competition have been eliminated and the focus has now shifted to the offset proposals of the remaining competitors. The Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin’s F- 16BR, and Sukhoi’s Su-35 have lost out; Boeing’s F/A- 18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault’s Rafale, and Saab’s Gripen remain in the running...