Main headlines from this issue

Special Report: EDA workshop on offset code of conduct splits into two main camps

European Defence Association (EDA) workshop that convened in Brussels this month to discuss the draft Code of Conduct on offsets amongst member states split into two main camps, with Spain surprising those present by taking a position contrary to expectations. It was a closed meeting, and press briefings were not permitted...

Taiwan: Defence companies may now discharge obligations with entirely civil projects

Taiwan is increasingly looking to countries other than America to provide new technologies, and now accepts civil offset solutions for defence acquisitions. Jack Tang, the Industrial Cooperation Programme (ICP) Program Director, told CTO the ICP is expected to recommend an increase in indirect offset projects to support local industries...

US-Taiwan business council petitions USTR to relax on Taiwan

The US-Taiwan Business Council has written to Jennifer Choe Groves, the Director for Intellectual Property and Innovation for the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), supporting the removal of Taiwan from the USTR Special 301 Watch List. The Special 301 annual review examines in detail the adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property rights protection in 87 countries and classifies countries accordingly...

South Korea: DAPA presses for Co-Development and export licenses

Defence Administration Program Administration (DAPA) Deputy Chief, Kim Jong-min, called on the head of France’s General Delegation for Ordnance to discuss ways to improve the countries' cooperative relationship and to request that France simplify its export authorization process to help Korea export to third parties the defence goods it builds with French technology, DAPA said in a press release...