Main headlines from this issue

Business plan brings sweeping changes to Kuwait’s national offset company

Kuwait’s National Offset Company (NOC) is refreshing its code of practice. The business plan is calculated to have a positive influence on offset programs, particularly the civil infrastructure sector. Special attention will be given to technology transfer and the creation of job opportunities, training, and educational services for Kuwaiti citizens. The changes envisage the company playing a much larger role in the country’s economy...

DPP 2008 is revolutionary for India, A missed opportunity for contractors

Defence Minister A. K. Antony was clearly in his element. Announcing the release of the Defence Procurement Procedure document for 2008 (DPP 2008) on August 1, he practically declared a revolution. “We are doing away with the licence raj,” he proclaimed...

India: Trade unions unite to protect state sector against RURs

The MoD is facing stiff resistance from a number of significant trades unions to plans to allow private sector participation in defence programs. The unions are supported by the powerful Indian National Trade Union Congress and are determined to protect state industries.

Israel helps Kazakhstan develop and indigenous defence industry

With the assistance of Israeli defence companies Israel Military Industries (IMI), Soltam, and Elbit, Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Defence is developing an indigenous defence industry to manufacture three modern artillery systems at its Petropavlovsk PZTM industrial complex to equip the Kazakh army.